
  • Being Nice Vs. Being kind

    Being Nice Vs. Being kind

    Being compassionate is a fundamental aspect of our humanity. It involves the genuine desire to understand and alleviate the suffering of others. Compassion is empathy in action, driving us to offer kindness, support, and understanding to those in need. It is a powerful force that can mend relationships, build communities, and create a more harmonious…

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  • Playing Up and Playing Down in Tennis: Lessons for Real Life

    Playing Up and Playing Down in Tennis: Lessons for Real Life

    My mom and adoptive father met on a tennis court in our apartment complex when I was five. I remember […]

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  • The Five People of whom I am the Average

    The Five People of whom I am the Average

    By now, most of us have heard the quote by renowned businessman Jim Rohn who said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” Here are my five people and what they mean to me.

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  • A Culture of Yes-and

    A Culture of Yes-and

    Culture is a balanced blend of human psychology, attitudes, actions, and beliefs that combined create either pleasure or pain, serious […]

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