Ask Yourself…

Are any of these questions true for you?

– Are you feeling blocked or stuck in your pursuits?
– Are your decisions stuck in analysis paralysis?
– Do you lack clarity on a path forward?
– Do you have low self-confidence or self-esteem?
– Are you experiencing communication issues?
– Do you have skillset gaps for a new responsibility?
– Are you feeling isolated or without counsel?
– Are you haphazard or inconsistent in your routines or practices?

If one or more of these is true, Untangled Narrative can help.

a couple of deer standing next to each other
Coming 2025

Your Untangled Narrative: When your biggest obstacle is a story in your head.

Planned for digital release April 2025

Want to improve your decision-making? Gain clarity on your next right action? Understand your emotions and their impact on your relationships?
Pick up a copy of Your Untangled Narrative and delve into the stories we tell ourselves, uncovering the hidden narratives that shape our decisions and outcomes.


A Twelve-Week Deep Dive
Into Your Mental Operating System

Next Cohort Starting September 25, 2024 at 7:30pm

Want to improve your decision-making? Gain clarity on your next right action? Understand your emotions and their impact on your relationships?
Join us for NarrativeOS! Together, we will delve into the stories we tell ourselves, uncovering the hidden narratives that shape our decisions and outcomes.

The FIVE People of whom I am the Average
The FIVE People of whom I am the Average

By now, most of us have heard the quote by renowned businessman Jim Rohn who said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.”

what is Untangled Narrative?

Untangled Narrative LLC exists to foster your transformation as you become the version of yourself that is ready for your next big challenge. 

Together we will focus on accelerating your growth by untangling your narratives, connecting you to community, upgrading your skill-sets, adding supportive systems, and providing you with valuable resources.

“Jim is able to (by magic, I guess) deeply understand my objectives and adapt his work to my personality to help me work consistently toward my goals.”